Tuesday 13 January 2015

Down with New Year's Resolutions! A winter yoga guide to starting 2015.

2015 seems to be running away from me already, so I thought I'd better post a New Year winter blog post before spring is sprung.

The end of the festive season always brings a fair measure of guilt and sadness for me, as I contemplate the year ahead with clothes that are tighter than before, an empty bank balance and a long wait until we see our family again.  This year is no exception, although of course the family is even further away.  However, for the first time since records began the sun continues to shine on me in January and I am also about to go to Goa for 2 weeks of Ashtanga yoga, so there is even hope that my jeans may fit again before June!

What I dislike most about this time of year is the pressure everyone suddenly puts on themselves to make major life changes, shed weight through miracle diets and become instantly happier.  It is no wonder that everyone is depressed by February when it turns out we like wine and biscuits just as much as last year, our boss is still horrible and there are bills to pay.  I for one, have given up New Year's Resolutions, and instead try to relax a little bit.  I may take some time to think about a few goals I might like to achieve in the year ahead, but I will put the serious planning and life changes aside until I feel like my brain and body has got back into gear after all the late nights and over indulgence.  Like everyone I am trying to be healthier now that the celebrations are over, but that means cutting back on the rubbish without putting pressure on myself to give up eating entirely.  At this time of year we need to nurture and protect our bodies, giving them time to rest and recover, so my advice is to give up the detox for now and have an early night instead.  Read some nice books, dream some big dreams and let 2015 start to take shape around you rather than forcing it to be something it is not.  I honestly think this the key to beating the winter blues.

Time to hibernate in child's pose.
Winter yoga and Chinese medical theory supports this concept - probably why it's one of my favourite seasons to teach as I like when I am proven right!  Practice should be slow and flowing.  Hold postures for longer (indulge your desire to stay in balasana for as long as you need to - see picture on right) and incorporate lot's of forward folds and back bends to keep the spine moving whilst stimulating the kidney and bladder meridians that run up and down the front and back of the body. Try the following asana's to relieve stress and anxiety and beat fatigue: Uttanasana (standing forward fold), Pachimottonasana (seated forward fold), Dhanurasana (bow posture) and Bandha Konasana (bound angle pose)

Here's a quick 5 minute flow to do each morning to get things going:

MLH Yoga: Winter Flow

In your diet, comfort foods are fine as long as they are healthy! If you're in a cold climate keep things warm and hearty with stews and soups that include lots of spices, root vegetables and alkaline forming greens and avoid drinking too much, especially things that are cold to protect the kidneys.  Here, where it is cooler but still warm, I don't really fancy a shepherd's pie, so instead am trying to focus on eating more seasonal foods and keeping things clean by cutting back on too much sugar, salt and caffeine.

It's also a good time of year to try some meditation, so take 5 minutes each day just to sit and focus on your breath. Feel each inhale and exhale as it passes through your body; nostrils, throat, chest, ribs and abdomen. Let go of any stress or tension, relax and be at peace with yourself and the world around you.  To me this seems a much better way to begin 2015 and every new year.

Winter information:

Dates: 21st December - 20th March
Colour: Blue
Element: Water
Organs: Kidneys and bladder

For more information on Seasonal Yoga check out Energy in Season: 5 Keys to Vitality by the amazing and inspirational Susan Woodd and Julie Hanson.

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