Wednesday 10 December 2014

The End of Autumn

The end of Autumn approaches and what have I learnt? 

1. Autumn in the Middle East is lovely - no pretty changing leaves, but warm days and cooler mornings and evenings leave everyone feeling happy and relaxed. I've even be able to go for walks along the beach and eat outside without melting. Being able to reconnect with the world around me, rather than hiding from the heat inside has made me feel so much better.
2. Feeling healthy - only one minor viral infection for me this autumn. Maybe I have just been lucky, but I'd like to think the autumnal practice has played it's part.
3. Can it nearly be time for Christmas? The autumn season lasts until December 21st and normally I would have been itching to start winter practice and go into hibernation by now, but here I have been happy to keep things more active. The tree may be up, but I'm going to stay in denial and sit this one out to the last minute!
4. I've been feeling the autumn vibe of thriving with routine and have really enjoyed feeling more settled in the daily flow of our family life here, but at the same time I have found I haven't wanted to stick to one type of practice.  Yoga every day, yes (more or less), but some week's I've loved seasonal flow, others Ashtanga, then latterly I've really enjoyed focusing in on different parts of the body and working on them.  Hips, feet, shoulders have all had their turn and I've loved observing the different effects these practices have on my body and mind.  Routine without rigidity has definitely been the theme of Autumn for me.
5. Diet....hmmm, struggled with this one. I reckon I'm averaging 4 days good, 3 days bad but now the weather is cooler my juicer is being used less and the voice in my head that craves a coffee in the morning, wine in the evening and a sweet fix after every meal is back! I've come up with a few strategies, snacks & recipes to minimise the damage but some days the lure of the biscuit tin has been too hard to resist. Maybe next Autumn...

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Breathe easy this Autumn.

Autumn is my favourite time of year at home, but it's a very different feeling in Abu Dhabi. Instead of being tinged with a sense of gloom as the nights draw in, here everyone is excited about the temperature becoming more manageable and busy planning for weekends of barbecues and trips to the beach. No scarf and tasteful knits for me this year but in terms of yoga here's how I will be bringing a little bit if autumn into my life.

Body: The change of seasons brings lots of nasty bugs and viruses and we need to make sure our lymphatic system is working well to protect ourselves. Stimulate the body by dry body brushing every morning and then rub a natural body oil or lotion into damp skin.  Have a massage or burn essential oils like thyme, eucalyptus, pine and rosemary to stimulate and strengthen the lungs.

Mind:  Autumn is a time for mental clarity. Get rid of things, thoughts and people that are sources of negativity and stick to a daily routine in your diet, exercise and life to give yourself focus and structure. Autumn is a great time of year to try meditation, so find 5 minutes each day to sit peacefully and mindfully. Something as simple as counting your breath can bring an amazing feeling of peace and clarity.

Diet: Add ginger, turmeric and garlic to dishes to boost the immune system.  Roasted root vegetables with a whole grain like bulgar wheat or quinoa make a perfect autumn meal.  Avoid dairy and foods like bananas and oranges which can clog up the respiratory system. This can be especially vulnerable here where we swing from a hot dusty environment to air conditioned germ-infested coolness all of the time.

Practice: Start to slow things down and lead all postures with the breath, focusing on flowing with each inhale and exhale. The meridians for the lung and large intestine run up and down the arms and across the shoulders, so postures should work these areas. Try the arm movement  'drawing the bow' in conjunction with the breath to stimulate these energy channels. Asanas should strengthen and protect the body, so build the following postures into your practice: Utkatasana (chair), bhujangasana (cobra), Virabhadrasana 1 and 3 (warrior 1 & 3), Ardha chandrasana (half moon), Upavista Konasana & Supta Konasana (seated & supine angle pose),  Halasana (plough) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Salabhasana (locust).  Surya Namaskara B (sun salutation B) would therefore be the perfect autumn warm up. You can see a little video clip of me practising this on my Facebook page.  

Pranayama (breath work) is also extremely beneficial, so try to incorporate 5 minutes of Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) into your daily practice to balance energy in the body and find clarity.

Autumn information:

Dates: 21st October - 20th December
Colour: metallic greys and silver.
Element: metal
Organs: lungs and large intestine.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Seasonal round up - Late summer reflections.

As October begins I'm ready to move on in my practice and am busy planning how to adopt Autumn seasonal yoga for this new climate. I hadn't really expected to feel this way as there aren't the same clues here that I am used to - yes it is getting 'cooler' and the humidity is slowly dropping (today it was a chilly 38c) but there are no changing leaves or damp, misty mornings to make me feel autumnal.  So why am I ready? I think it's because the pattern of life remains the same.  The kids are settled in school, the busy time at work is beginning in the race to the end of the year and everyone is coughing and sneezing with allergies and Ex-pat flu as a summer's worth of international germs circulate round the crowded air conditioned schools and offices. It is definitely time to switch to a flow that is going to strengthen the lungs and clarify the mind as the chaos and the calamity of the changing season builds.

I have managed to avoid it so far, and although I have felt sniffly at times, I feel like my body is strong enough to keep the worst at bay (touch wood). There have been lapses (some of them quite extreme) but on the most part I have eaten well and have been using my diet and asana practice to strengthen my immune system, whilst the focus on feeling grounded has helped me settle into the new way of life with minimum upset.  My hips are nice and open, my core is stronger and my lower back pain is much improved. I have found a renewed energy and focus for my work and have been getting through the to-do list at a comparative rate of knots, whilst really enjoying the time I've spent building up my yoga website and profile. I've also done my fair share of spoiling myself, which to be fair, isn't hard in this part of the world! But after a long summer being Mum, there has been no greater pleasure then spending time making friends and socialising with all the other liberated parents or sitting quietly with a cup of coffee (sorry, herbal tea) and watching the world go by in silence.  As the season changes that is one Late Summer practice that I would like to keep!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Late summer eating

I don't like to diet, I like to cook and I love to eat, therefore my aim is always to try to find food that is healthy but tastes great. So here are some seasonal late summer things that I have been enjoying eating at the moment to inspire you to eat seasonally and without guilt.

First thing: Ditch the caffeine and wake up with a mug of hot water with lemon and fresh ginger. It's hard at first but after a while you won't miss it.

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day at any time of year but especially in late summer for stimulating the digestion and the metabolic system so don't skip it!  I'm like a hobbit and like to have 2 breakfasts, one when I get up and one mid morning, preferably after I've done some yoga!

Bircher muesli - Soak a cup of mixed oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit (I like chopped hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sultanas, apricots & dates) in freshly squeezed orange juice. Leave in the fridge overnight or for as long as you've got (at least 15 minutes), grate in half an apple and enjoy!

Tip: keep a box of the muesli mixture in an airtight container and mix as you need it. It will keep for months.

Mid morning - Juice or smoothie.  My favourites at the moment are 1 Apple, 1 carrot, Slice of lemon & chunk of fresh ginger juiced over ice OR 2 Peaches blended with half a banana, a tablespoon of oats, juice of one orange and half a cup of almond milk. 

Tip: freeze the banana to chill the smoothie in lieu of ice.

Lunch - seasonal salad. For me this depends on what's in the shops and/or lurking in my fridge but current favourites are: 
                                    Spinach, pine nuts & avocado, 
                                    Figs, mozzarella, spinach & Parma ham 
                                    Figs, fennel, pistachio, mint & feta
                                    Spinach, smoked mackerel, orange & red onion
                                    Quinoa with courgette ribbons, pistachios & lemon.

Dinner - Chicken thighs with roasted peppers, courgette, tomatoes, garlic & chorizo
           - Fish tacos with guacamole & salsa.
           - Chicken, sweet potato & cherry tomato Thai red curry (make it with chickpeas for a 
              veggie option)
           A cheeky glass of wine - after all it's important at this time of year to do something nice for 
              yourself every day!

Desert -  roasted or poached peaches with some bitter dark or raw chocolate.

Friday 5 September 2014

Late summer - coming home when you're not sure where home is.

It's late summer and seasonal yoga practice at this time of year is all about reconnecting with the earth, grounding and coming home.  Although it is still pretty hot here, this concept is certainly ringing true for me after a prolonged period of disturbance because of the big move.  Even if you haven't uprooted your whole life, there is still a feeling at this time of year of needing to settle down again.  Summer holidays are over, the schools are back and it's time to atone for all the fun and excess of the last few months and get back to a 'normal' routine.  Here's how you can tune into this natural feeling and help your body and mind to feel nourished and reconnected to your surroundings.

Diet - it's still hot here and harvest season certainly doesn't feel the same for me this year, but there are plenty of good foods in the shops coming in from all directions to remind us of natures bounty. Go for foods that reflect the colour of the season (a warm yellow) and make space on your plate for things like peaches, nectarines, squash, dates, sweet potato and apples for natural sweetness. Start building up the bodies immunity by including spices like ginger and turmeric in your diet and keep things warm but light. Try to take time to eat your food slowly and appreciate your meal. It helps the digestion and stops you over eating. Breakfast time is especially important at this time of year as that is when the stomach and spleen are at their strongest.

Exercise - reconnect with the earth by getting outside more. This is getting easier here now that the evenings and mornings are slightly cooler, so go for a walk, hop on a bike or take your yoga mat outside!  Yoga asanas should focus on grounding, hip openers, and strengthening our core to stimulate the stomach and spleen meridians and boost the lymphatic system which will help fight off all the back to school/work germs that are heading our way.  Add some lunges, squats and inversions to your practice and work hard to keep uddiyana bandha engaged by drawing the navel back and up towards the spine. Key poses to try at this time of year are:  Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (half pigeon), Navasana (boat), Setu Bandhasa (Bridge) and Bandha Konasana (bound angle posture).

Here's a link to me practicing some of these poses:

Mind - Take some time to do something nice for yourself every day. Read a book, have a massage, go for a walk. It doesn't have to be a big thing, but by taking five minutes to make sure we are looked after, we fill up our reserves and can give so much more time and energy to others.

Body - stimulate the lymphatic system by rubbing an oil or lotion into the skin after your shower in upwards strokes towards the heart, but try to make sure you're using a natural product to avoid clogging up your system. The key at this time of year is to nourish your body from the outside in and the inside out!

Key Seasonal Points:

Season - late summer
Dates - 21st August to 20th October
Organs - stomach and spleen
Colour - yellow
Element - earth

New beginnings

So we are finally settled in Abu Dhabi after relocating from sunny Scotland and it is time to get my yoga pants on and get back on the mat.

I've already been doing a bit of teaching, which I'm really enjoying and, as always, have found that yoga is a great way of making friends fast.  My ego is also busy loving how much more flexible I am in the heat!  As part of my new adventure I decided it would be good to blog about my attempts to apply the ethos of seasonal yoga practice to a place where it is hot all year round, tight clothes are frowned upon, and wealth often seems to be more important than health. It's going to be an interesting journey!

At the beginning of each season I'll be posting some yoga, diet and lifestyle information and some thoughts on how these might translate here. Then at the end I'll reflect on how well it's worked, and what I've learnt.  No doubt there will also be some interesting stories along the way, but that's the bit I'm looking forward to!

So here's the new plan (it's really the same as the old plan only the picture is more relevant now):
