Wednesday 10 December 2014

The End of Autumn

The end of Autumn approaches and what have I learnt? 

1. Autumn in the Middle East is lovely - no pretty changing leaves, but warm days and cooler mornings and evenings leave everyone feeling happy and relaxed. I've even be able to go for walks along the beach and eat outside without melting. Being able to reconnect with the world around me, rather than hiding from the heat inside has made me feel so much better.
2. Feeling healthy - only one minor viral infection for me this autumn. Maybe I have just been lucky, but I'd like to think the autumnal practice has played it's part.
3. Can it nearly be time for Christmas? The autumn season lasts until December 21st and normally I would have been itching to start winter practice and go into hibernation by now, but here I have been happy to keep things more active. The tree may be up, but I'm going to stay in denial and sit this one out to the last minute!
4. I've been feeling the autumn vibe of thriving with routine and have really enjoyed feeling more settled in the daily flow of our family life here, but at the same time I have found I haven't wanted to stick to one type of practice.  Yoga every day, yes (more or less), but some week's I've loved seasonal flow, others Ashtanga, then latterly I've really enjoyed focusing in on different parts of the body and working on them.  Hips, feet, shoulders have all had their turn and I've loved observing the different effects these practices have on my body and mind.  Routine without rigidity has definitely been the theme of Autumn for me.
5. Diet....hmmm, struggled with this one. I reckon I'm averaging 4 days good, 3 days bad but now the weather is cooler my juicer is being used less and the voice in my head that craves a coffee in the morning, wine in the evening and a sweet fix after every meal is back! I've come up with a few strategies, snacks & recipes to minimise the damage but some days the lure of the biscuit tin has been too hard to resist. Maybe next Autumn...

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